Northern Saw-whet Owl, Telemetry Study, in Arborvitae

Nov 19 - Dec 25, 2010

Overview of Activity
This second year female Saw-whet Owl was banded at Westchester Community College in Valhalla NY on Nov 19, 2010.  She stayed on campus a few days, moved to a residential area for a few more days, and then concentrated activity in an area of approximately 170 acres.  She roosted by day in the backyard of a residential area and hunted by night in nearby woods.  She stayed through Thanksgiving, but left on Christmas Day, approximately 15 hours before a coastal storm arrived.  The storm blanketed the area with 1.5 to 2 feet of snow.
80 Observations in 37 Days (2.5min)
Roost Sites:
Tangles on 1 Day
Bamboo on 2-3 Days

Arborvitae on 22 Days (photo above)

Videos by SEA

Northern Saw-whet Owl
Telemetry Study, WCC, Valhalla NY
Trudy Battaly and Drew Panko

Click the icons on the video play bar to access Volume, Table of Contents, Full Screen, and Information.