Image83.jpg (33432 bytes)Feathered Frenzy - Resources

Event Description / Bird Links - Songs
National Bird List

Suggested for State Lists:
Eastern Bird List
/ Western Bird List

The following books and audio are likely to be available at nature centers near you, where you can also learn about local birding spots, upcoming programs, and bird walks or trips.   Books published since the AOU revised the official bird list in 1998 should have the correct names.  Other books are still good to learn from, and books already in your library may be very suitable for this purpose.  Students need to use the published list - National or State  - as the only correct answers for the Bird Brain event, so they will need to compare the names in their books with those on the list. 

Books:  Field Guides

Bird Songs:  CDs and tapes

Bird Songs:  Web Links

Bird Songs - NY State  Tony Phillips Math Dept SUNY Stony Brook 

Bird song display list: wav files  Site intended for BBS participants.  (The Breeding Bird Survey is an annual survey coordinated by the US government.)

North American Bird Sounds  The naturesongs site has descriptions of  avian activity during recording.  

Animal Sound Recordings:  Birds / Vögel  Songs for a few of our birds can be found here.

Recent Name Changes  This site only provides some common name changes.   Read it carefully.

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